Where Taralga Lies
Published in the Taralga Echo on Friday, May 27, 1927.

When restless feelings are o'er me,
I yearn for cities' glare,
Till I behold 'neath western skies
A rural picture fair.
My peevish thoughts are banished then,
Replaced by peaceful calm;
My troubled spirit gently healed,
As if by soothing balm.
For Nature beams with gladsome smile,
And gives unstinted grace
To where that sun-tipped vedure doth
My city sighs efface.
Where giant pines in mass array
The fierce winds unmask,
Affording rendezvous unique
Where browsing cattle bask.
Where hedges and pergolas quaint,
With trailing ivy dressed,
Endow my neighbour's pretty home
With luring thoughts of rest.
And God has given maiden sweet
As any rose that blows
To grace that home with all the charm
A loving heart bestows.
And eastern hills are climbing up
Where wonderous clouds enthrall,
Accented is their contour when
The fading sunbeams fall.
And near at hand the gracefull slopes,
With sweeping lines entrance,
As o'er the landscape's grandeur rare
The fleeting shadows dance.
While fallowed plots like carpet squares,
In tints that harmonise,
Invade the valley's rustic calm
Wherein Taralga lies.
And poplars vie with hedges trim,
With oaks and Gardens fair,
This pretty town to help seclude
And lend an English air.
This pleasant milestone finds me now,
And casting care aside,
I revel in the sheer delight
That country scenes provide.
I pause where blending rich in tone
Of mountain, sky and trees
Reveal that God, omnipotent,
Is Master e'en of these.
Where they, my wearied, doubting soul
With higher thoughts imbue,
So with the Infinite, in tune,
My faith is born anew.