Battery Storage Energy

Battery Storage power in the Australian Energy Market

Current Battery Storage Energy Generation

fully utilised
not utilised

Each battery storage generator on this map is colour coded by current output in proportion to registered capacity (i.e. capacity factor). Larger icons represent larger registered capacities: large >250MW; medium > 100MW; small ≤ 100MW.

Today's Battery Storage Energy Production

The default, capacity factor graph shows the output as a percentage of registered capacity. Alternatively, you may view the actual output in megawatts.

Generators may be included or excluded from the graphs by toggling the check boxes. The total will update accordingly.

Battery Storage Generators

ID Name Source/Technology Registered
Capacity (MW)
New South Wales (NSW1)
DPNTB1 Darlington Point Energy Storage System Grid, Battery and Inverter 25
QBYNB1 Queanbeyan BESS Grid, Battery and Inverter 10
RIVNB2 Riverena Energy Storage System 2 Grid, Battery and Inverter 65
WALGRV1 Wallgrove BESS 1 Grid, Battery and Inverter 50
WTAHB1 Waratah Super Battery Grid, Battery and Inverter 1,096
Queensland (QLD1)
KEPBG1 Kennedy Energy Park Battery Grid, Battery 2
WANDB1 Wandoan Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) Grid, Battery 123
South Australia (SA1)
ADPBA1 Adelaide Desalination Plant Grid, Battery and Inverter 8
BLYTHB1 Blyth Battery Energy Storage System Grid, Battery and Inverter 281
BOWWBA1 Bolivar Waste Water Treatment Plant Grid, Battery and Inverter 3
CBWWBA1 Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Grid, Battery and Inverter 2
DALNTH1 Dalrymple North BESS Grid, Battery 30
HVWWBA1 Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Grid, Battery and Inverter 5
LBB1 Lake Bonney BESS1 Grid, Battery 25
Victoria (VIC1)
BALB1 Ballarat Battery Energy Storage System Grid, Battery 30
BULBES1 Bulgana Green Power Hub Grid, Battery 24
GANNB1 Gannawarra Energy Storage System Grid, Battery 30
HBESS1 Hazelwood Battery Energy Storage System Grid, Battery and Inverter 200
PIBESS1 Phillip Island BESS Grid, Battery and Inverter 7
RANGEB1 Rangebank BESS Grid, Battery and Inverter 260
VBB1 Victorian Big Battery Grid, Battery and Inverter 360
Total registered