Wind Energy

Wind power in the Australian Energy Market

Wind Energy Production During March 2025

This graph depicts performance of wind farms connected to the electricity grid in south-eastern Australia over a month.

The default, capacity factor graph shows the output as a percentage of registered capacity. On average wind farms in south-east Australia operate at a capacity factor of around 30-35%.

Alternatively, you may view the actual output in megawatts.

Different wind farms may be included or excluded from the graphs by toggling the check boxes. The total will update accordingly.

Data for the month-long graphs is sampled at 3 hour intervals to reduce the number of data points.

Wind Generators

ID Name Source/Technology Registered
Capacity (MW)
New South Wales (NSW1)
BANGOWF1 Bango 973 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 159
BANGOWF2 Bango 999 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 85
BOCORWF1 Boco Rock Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 113
BODWF1 Bodangora Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 113
CAPTL_WF Capital Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 140
COLWF01 Collector Wind Farm 1 Wind, Wind - Onshore 226
CROOKWF2 Crookwell 2 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 96
CROOKWF3 Crookwell 3 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 57
CRURWF1 Crudine Ridge Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 141
CULLRGWF Cullerin Range Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 30
FLYCRKWF Flyers Creek Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 145
GULLRWF1 Gullen Range Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 165
GULLRWF2 Gullen Range Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 110
GUNNING1 Gunning Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 46
RYEPARK1 Rye Park Renewable Energy Wind, Wind - Onshore 396
SAPHWF1 Sapphire Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 270
STWF1 Silverton Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 199
TARALGA1 Taralga Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 107
WOODLWN1 Woodlawn Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 48
WRWF1 White Rock Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 175
Queensland (QLD1)
COOPGWF1 Coopers Gap Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 452
DULAWF1 Dulacca Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 180
KABANWF1 Kaban Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 156
KEPWF1 Kennedy Energy Park Wind, Wind - Onshore 43
MCINTYR1 MacIntyre Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 923
MEWF1 Mount Emerald Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 180
South Australia (SA1)
BLUFF1 The Bluff Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 52
CATHROCK Cathedral Rocks Wind, Wind - Onshore 66
CLEMGPWF Clements Gap Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 57
CNUNDAWF Canunda Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 46
GSWF1A Goyder South Wind Farm 1A Wind, Wind - Onshore 209
GSWF1B1 Goyder South Wind Farm 1B Wind, Wind - Onshore 203
HALLWF1 Hallett 1 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 94
HALLWF2 Hallett 2 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 71
HDWF1 Hornsdale Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 102
HDWF2 Hornsdale Wind Farm 2 Wind, Wind - Onshore 102
HDWF3 Hornsdale Wind Farm 3 Wind, Wind - Onshore 112
LGAPWF1 Lincoln Gap Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 126
LGAPWF2 Lincoln Gap Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 86
LKBONNY1 Lake Bonney Wind Farm Stage 1 Wind, Wind - Onshore 80
LKBONNY2 Lake Bonney Stage 2 Windfarm Wind, Wind - Onshore 159
LKBONNY3 Lake Bonney Stage 3 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 39
MTMILLAR Mt Millar Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 70
NBHWF1 North Brown Hill Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 132
PAREPW1 Port Augusta Renewable Energy Park Wind, Wind - Onshore 210
SNOWNTH1 Snowtown Wind Farm Stage 2 North Wind, Wind - Onshore 144
SNOWSTH1 Snowtown South Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 126
SNOWTWN1 Snowtown Wind Farm Units 1 And 47 Wind, Wind - Onshore 99
STARHLWF Starfish Hill Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 34
WATERLWF Waterloo Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 131
WGWF1 Willogoleche Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 119
WPWF Wattle Point Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 91
Tasmania (TAS1)
CTHLWF1 Cattle Hill Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 148
GRANWF1 Granville Harbour Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 110
MUSSELR1 Musselroe Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 168
WOOLNTH1 Woolnorth Studland Bay / Bluff Point Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 140
Victoria (VIC1)
ARWF1 Ararat Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 242
BALDHWF1 Bald Hills Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 107
BRYB1WF1 Berrybank Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 181
BRYB2WF2 Berrybank 2 Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 109
BULGANA1 Bulgana Green Power Hub Wind, Wind - Onshore 204
CHALLHWF Challicum Hills Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 52
CHYTWF1 Cherry Tree Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 58
CROWLWF1 Crowlands Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 80
DIAPURWF1 Diapur Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 8
DUNDWF1 Dundonnell Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 168
DUNDWF2 Dundonnell Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 46
DUNDWF3 Dundonnell Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 121
ELAINWF1 Elaine Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 84
GPWFEST1 Golden Plains Wind Farm East Wind, Wind - Onshore 248
GPWFEST2 Golden Plains Wind Farm East Wind, Wind - Onshore 260
GPWFEST3 Golden Plains Wind Farm East Wind, Wind - Onshore 248
HD1WF1 Hawkesdale Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 97
KIATAWF1 Kiata Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 31
MACARTH1 Macarthur Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 420
MERCER01 Mt Mercer Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 131
MLWF1 Mortons Lane Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 20
MOORAWF1 Moorabool Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 312
MRTLSWF1 Mortlake South Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 158
MTGELWF1 Mt Gellibrand Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 138
MUWAWF1 Murra Warra Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 232
MUWAWF2 Murra Warra Wind Farm Stage 2 Wind, Wind - Onshore 209
OAKLAND1 Oaklands Hill Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 67
PORTWF Portland Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 148
RYANCWF1 Ryan Corner Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 218
SALTCRK1 Salt Creek Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 54
STOCKYD1 Stockyard Hill Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 531
WAUBRAWF Waubra Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 192
YAMBUKWF Yambuk Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 30
YENDWF1 Yendon Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 144
YSWF1 Yaloak South Wind Farm Wind, Wind - Onshore 29
Total registered